Page 17 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 17

Black History Month
      the continent, and impressed sufficient-  the rank of Sergeant.
      ly to join the team for the following       Officer Training Corps
 WALTER TULL   season.  Northampton Town    In May 1916 he was sent home suffer-

                                            ing from shellshock, but was returned
      Despite early promise, the level of racial   to France in order to take place in fierce
 he first black footballer to play in   abuse he received from opposition fans   fighting at Delville Wood and Guille-
 TEnglish football, that we know of,   was so vitriolic that he was dropped to   mont during the Battle of the Somme.
 did so in 1885, when Arthur Wharton   the reserves after just a few games. He   The grim conditions took their toll,
 took up a place between the sticks for   wouldn’t return to the first team for   however, and by January 1917 he was
 Darlington. It shouldn’t be much of a   over a year, and in total manged just ten   again returned to Britain, this time with
 surprise, then, to find black players in   games for the side before the player and   Trench Fever. He made this time work
 the record throughout the history of the   the club decided to cut their losses, and   for him, however, and joined a nearby
 game. Thirty years later, when conflict   he was moved on, this time to a North-  Officer Training Corps. Despite huge
 broke out and football came to a halt,   ampton Town side that was developing   opposition, he was promoted upon its
 teams signed up together to go and fight   under Herbert Chapman. It would be   completion to Second Lieutenant. He
 in the trenches of France. And yet the   the move that made his career, and over   also secured his post-war future by
 story of Walter Tull, a footballer who   the next three seasons he made 110   agreeing a move to Glasgow Rangers,
 become one of the county’s first to sign   appearances for the side, scoring nine   upon the cessation of hostilities.
 up for military service, has gone large-  goals. Preparing for his fourth season   Third Battle of Ypres
 ly unheralded in the century since he   in the summer of 1914, nobody could   Sadly, Tull would never take up his
 became a war hero.   have guessed what was about to come.   position at Ibrox. Returned to France,
 Footballing career  War was declared on the 1st August,   he became the first black officer to lead
 Tull’s life is a life of pioneering ‘firsts’.   and despite some attempts to get the   British soldiers into battle, at the Third
 He was born in Folkestone in 1888,   season going, the conflict soon engulfed   Battle of Ypres, and was recommended
 three years after Arthur Wharton’s de-  every aspect of life. Footballers were   for the Military Cross. As the war began
 but, and was the grandson of a Barba-  signed with amateur side Clapton FC,   not immune.  to draw to a close, however, his luck ran
 dian slave, but when tragedy struck and   at the time a much fancied team who   Rank of Sergeant  out. He died at Arras in March 1918,
 both of his parents had died by the age   were considered to be one of the best in   Tull signed up for the army in Decem-  2nd Lt. Tull, and his body was never
 of eleven, he was sent to an orphanage   the amateur game, at a time when the   ber 1914, less than a week after, and   recovered. His name can be found on
 in London, before being adopted by a   amateur game was held in high regard.   completely separately from, a meeting   the Arras memorial in France, just one
 Glaswegian family and moving north   Considered the “catch of the season”, he   in London led by players of Clapton   of 35,000 who died. But his life was not
 of the border. In his new home, he   helped the side to the FA Amateur Cup,   Orient to encourage the creation of a   “just one of”, it was “the first of”, right
 excelled both in sports and academia,   the London County Amateur Cup, and   footballers’ battalion. He started his   to the end.
 becoming the country’s first dentist of   the London Senior Cup, and caught the   training in Cranleigh, and was moved
 mixed heritage before embarking on his  eye of Tottenham Hotspur. They offered   to various training camps before being   Martyn Green The Untold Game
 footballing career.  to take him on trial, on their tour of   sent to France, as part of that battalion.   Find more at or
 Tottenham Hotspur  South America, where he became the   Rising fast through the ranks, less than   on social media @TheUntoldGame
 Heading back to London in 1908, Tull   first mixed heritage player to play on   a year had passed before he had made

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