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P. 37

Football History - Grande Torino  Erno Egri Erbstein

          rnő Egri Erbstein was one of
      Efootball’s great innovators, a
      tactical pioneer and an inspirational
      champion. A Hungarian Holocaust
      survivor, he helped to change Italian
      football forever as the architect of the
      legendary ‘Grande Torino’ side that
      won Serie A five times in a row in the
      immediate post-war era.
            Modern tactical ideas
      Possessed of a fascination for
      philosophy and sports science, he called
      on those academic interests, alongside
      his love of the game, to help shape the
 there to oversee it’s ultimate domi-  know. The first the residents of Turin   direction of football as the sport grew
 nance. Torino secured a strangely or-  knew was when a loud explosion lit up   into something globally significant.
 ganised title again in 1947, before more   the sky on the outskirts of Turin. The   Erbstein helped to bring the game into
 traditional titles in 1948 and 1949.   plane had crashed into the Basilica di   the professional era, developing fitness
 1948 in particular saw some scintillat-  Superga with the death of all aboard.   techniques, opposition scouting reports   Kindle Book available on Amazon priced £2.25
 ing football: Torino won the league at   That included Erbstein, and the entire   and modern tactical ideas.
 a canter by 16 points, securing a 10-0   squad, barring two reserve players.  Erbstein was praised for pioneering   Sheffield FC, pictured below.
 win, a 21 match unbeaten run, and   The tragedy reverberated  modern scouting methods, for his
 scoring 125 goals.  The tragedy reverberated through Ital-  focus on technique, fitness and dietary
 Torino were on a high  ian football, and the side were declared  requirements, as well as his tactics and
 Torino were on a high, and unsurpris-  champions with four games remaining   motivational speeches on matchdays.
 ingly their presence was requested   at the behest of their rivals. The crash is  Most of all he was celebrated for his
 across Europe.  commemorated annually, but the club   humanity. His players loved him.
 Near the conclusion of the 48-49   has never recovered from it. They have
 season, they flew out Benfica to play a   spent the last 70 years in the shadow of   Egri Erbstein Tournament
 friendly in honour of their captain. On   their city rivals, but things could have   In 2019 the inaugural Egri Erbstein
 the return flight, in thick fog, the pilot   been so different.  Tournament took place honouring the
 brought the plane down to land. Strong                                 Martyn Green  football pioneer, and has become a bi-
 winds and the poor visibility had blown   annual competition.
 him off course, although how much he   Find more at  The 2022 winners of the Egri Erbstein   For more information:
 would know about it nobody will ever   or on social media @TheUntoldGame  Tournament are the world's oldest club

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