Page 20 - RPV v Chalfont St Peter
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Chalfont St Peter AFC History
The club was formed in 1926 and
played local junior football from
its ground on Gold Hill Common.
continued until just recently. And it didn’t disappoint. Some top
Success began to arrive A restructuring within the Isthmian scalps in the FA Cup heralded a sea-
1948 saw a move to the Great West- league at the end of the 2005/06 sea- son of cup runs. The FA Vase was the
ern Combination and a year later son saw Saints moving to the Spar- crowning glory, with the Saints mak-
the club moved to its present loca- tan South Midlands Premier League. ing it all the way to the semi-final and
tion, although the picturesque name A 7-0 win being heart breaking seconds away
of Mill Meadow belies its origins as 2006/07 saw a top half finish in their from winning the right to play at
a refuse tip. As the club developed The 1990’s was another difficult dec- first season in the Spartan and a tro- Wembley. Saints were in the hunt for
off the field thanks to the support of ade, culminating in a low point of phy for the cabinet, the Wycombe the league title all the way to the last
many volunteers so success began to two successive bottom places. Senior Cup, secured with a 7-0 win week of the season but the fixture
arrive on the field and in 1952 the Dean’s departure over Downley Albion at the Wy- congestion caused by the cup suc-
first silverware was won, the Berks 2001/02 saw a rebuild under Martin combe Wanderers ground. cesses began to tell and they couldn’t
& Bucks FA Intermediate Cup. Sen- Dean with a good start to the season 2007/08 was a hugely successful sea- quite make it across the line, even-
ior status followed and progress but a subsequent falling away saw son. Danny Edwards was developing tually finishing a brave third. Losses
through the Parthenon League, Lon- them finish 14th. The lower eche- an exciting squad and the style of in the finals of the Challenge Trophy
don League and Spartan League fol- lons became the accustomed territo- play was both entertaining and suc- and the Wycombe Senior Cup took a
lowed. ry for Saints for several seasons un- cessful. Good runs in both the FA little bit of the shine off what was a
Change in fortunes til Dean’s departure at the end of the Cup and FA Vase came together with brilliant season for the club.
The early 1970’s were difficult for 2003/04 season. a Final appearance in the Premier Close to promotion
the club but a move into the Atheni- A rollercoaster ride of success Division Cup. Topping them all was Expectations were high going into
an league saw a change in fortunes. Managing Chalfont to victory in the winning the Challenge Trophy with season 2009/10 after going close to
The 1980’s, now in the Isthmian Berks & Bucks Under-18 Challenge a 2-0 win over Brimsdown Rovers. A promotion in the two previous sea-
League, brought some consistency Cup was a young Danny Edwards. close three-horse race in the league sons. A slow start and a nightmare
in league performances and some His reward was to be handed the saw Saints pipped at the post into run of losses in October saw the title
successful campaigns in the FA Cup reins of the First Team for the new runners-up spot. chase wobble and rapid exits from
and FA Vase. season. And so began a rollercoaster 2008/09 was about building on the all cup competitions. But an incred-
Culminating in a low point ride of success and near misses that standards set in the previous season. ible run of form with just one defeat