Page 18 - Raynes Park Vale v Frimley Green
P. 18

CLUB NEWS                                                                  state and helping with managing the  ITV: Thanks Josh and good luck to-
                                                                                          knocks and niggles that we get. So it’s  day.
      What's Going On?                                                                    a real team effort.                   Can I have my job back now....???

                                                                                          ITV: So, a great start to the season?
           pparently RPV manager Josh                                                     What's in the pipeline from the man-
      AGallagher is due to get his own                                                    agement perspective?
      column in this programme very soon
      where he can keep the Vale faithful                                                 JG: Things can always be improved
      informed about how the footballing                                                  and we are still working on things
      side of RPV is going. I know all Vale                                               that we believe will help us
      fans are looking forward to hearing                                                 get better or prepare us for
      from Josh regularly and maybe, when                                                 games. The players have real-
      the team behind 'Into The Vale' final-                                              ly taken to it and understand
      ly get their act together, we'll be able                                            what is expected of them.
      to read more from the gaffer! (*you're                                              They’ve been fantastic.
      fired* - Ed.) the meantime one of our                                                   ITV: Sounds good! What's the
      tireless  reporters  managed  to  get  a                                            mood around the team now?
      brief word with Mr. Gallagher after
      the away win to Banstead Athletic                                                   JG:The players seem happy,
      and asked him that most difficult of                                                not that I’ve asked. If players
      questions for any  manager:  what's                                                 weren’t happy with our start
      going on in the dressing room???                                                    I would be wondering why
      Over to you, Boss!                    ITV: How are things looking in the            they are playing football! As
                                            dressing-room?  How's everything/             long as they are smiling and
                Hard at work                everyone shaping up?                          having a good time togeth-

      ITV:  So,  three  weeks  into  the  new                                             er then that’s the main thing!
      job (although, in reality, you've been   JG:Things are going well at the mo-
      hard at work throughout the sum-      ment, we’ve had some knocks and
      mer!) you feeling about it?     the squads been used and everyone
                                            is doing their part to make sure we
      Josh Gallagher: It’s been a really pos-  are succeeding. That’s not only the
      itive start for us this season. Obvi-  players, but Dan Canning the physio
      ously with a new management team  has been fantastic looking after the
      and players we weren’t sure what to  players and Chris Williams our S&C
      expect but with the quality we have  coach has also been first class with his
      here, our expectations are high and  role and has been really important to
      we’ve shown that in our games so far.  ensure players are in a good physical
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