Page 11 - Raynes Park Vale v Redhill
P. 11

T ODA Y ' S  VISIT ORS  by many club officials and supporters  son and se we did not complete all our
 REDHILL  tually found themselves as runners-up  FC won the Combined Counties Pre-
      keeping the club alive, Redhill even- games that season. As a bonus, Redhill
      of the Sussex League Division One in  mier League Cup in 2020/2021.
      2013, winning promotion to the Isth-
                                                    1st Team Honours:
      mian League Division One (South).  •  FA Cup 1st round proper 1957/58
      Redhill’s time in the ‘Ryman’ league  •  FA Amateur Cup Semi Final 1924/25
 Redhill FC was formed in 1894 and   was  relatively  short  lived.  They  fin- •  Surrey Senior Cup  Winners 1928/
 two years later, the club moved into its   ished 3rd from bottom in the relegation  29, 1965/ 66 Runners-up 1904/05,
 stadium of 88 years-Memorial Park,   zone in their first season but survived  1968/69 Surrey Senior Shield Winners
 in the centre of the town. Redhill be-  when  offered  a  reprieve.  The  Reds  1935/ 36, 1968/ 69 Runers-up 1908/09,
 came members of the Athenian League   were not so lucky in 2014/15, finish- 1920/21, 1925/26, 1928/29 Runers-up
 in 1923 and remained there until the   ing 2nd from bottom. Again, a reprieve  1908/09, 1920/21, 1925/26, 1928/29
 league’s demise in 1984. Success came   was offered but to play in the Southern  • Athenian League  Winners 1924/25,
 early, being runners up and champions   League—South & West Division. This  1983/84  Runners-up  1923/24,
 in their first two seasons in the league.   was turned down based, amongst other   1925/26  Athenian League Cup  Win-
 In 1925/26, the club enjoyed possibly   reasons, travel logistics and the finan- ners  1969/70,  1970/71  Runners-up
 its best season; reaching two cup finals   cial implications.  After back-to-back  1973/74, 1974/75
 and reaching the semi-final of the FA   relegations, the club needed a positive  • London League  Winners 1922/23
 Amateur Cup, losing to Northern No-  season to build on. The 2016/17 sea- • East & West Surrey League Winners
 mads at Arsenals Highbury stadium in   son gave the club that platform, finish- 1902/03
 front of 17,000 people. In 1949, Re-  ing runners up in Combined Counties  • South Southern Suburban  West
 dhill lost to Arsenal 1- 0 in a friendly   Division One and gaining promotion,  League Winners 1911/ 12
 that was offered by the Gunners after   whilst also finishing runners up in the  • Southern Counties Floodlit Cup Win-
 Redhill provided them with two of   Division One Cup.  ners 1980/81, 1990/91, 1998/99
 their best players at the time; Colin   Harrison Williams was appointed  • Sussex County League Div 1 Run-
 Grimshaw and Bernard Sexton.   The  Reds  played in  the Combined  ners-up 2012/ 13
 Moved into their current home  Counties Premier Division in 2018/19  • Sussex County League Div 2 Cup
 In 1957/ 58, Redhill reached the FA   and the 2019/2020 season sees the club  Winners 1991/92
 Cup  1st  Round  Proper for  their  only   celebrating its 125th year. A new man- • Spartan League Runner s-up 1909/10
 time.  After  beating  Tooting &  Mit-  ager Harrison Williams was appointed  • London Spartan League Runners-up
 cham in the previous round, the Reds   after the resignation of previous man- 1986/87
 travelled to Norwich City, only to  cilities meant the club could not take   ager Barry  Wilde. Harrison was his  • London Spartan League Cup Runners
 lose 6-1, but many write ups at the  their rightful place in the higher league   number two and was chosen by the  Up 1984/85
 time gave Redhill plenty of credit for  and instead found some success in the   committee to continue to nurture our  • Combined Counties Division One
 their performance. After winning the  London Spartan League, before mov-  young squad and improve the standard  Runners Up 2016/17
 final  Athenian  League  title  in  1984,  ing onto the Sussex County League   of our play.  2020/2021
 the Reds were moved into their cur- in 1988.  After many brutal years of   Covid -19 curtailed 2020/21 season  • Cherry Red Records Combined
 rent home, Kiln Brow. Lack of fa- ups and downs, following hard work   Covid -19 curtailed the 2020/21 sea- Counties Premier League Cup Winners
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