Page 22 - Raynes Park Vale v Redhill
P. 22

CLUB NEWS                                                                  continuing to make improvements to  have been told that there is some big
                                                                                          the facilities and we have big changes  news  coming  and some exciting-
        Floodlights                          (22) has also signed from Corinthian         coming that will allow us to provide  changes afoot. We’ve been assured
                                                                                          some quality match-day food to go  that details will be announced very
                                             Casuals. Prior to Corinthians Reece
        Great news on this front - the new   has also had spells at AFC Wim-              along with our range of beers from  soon and, as soon as we find out the
        floodlights have been approved       bledon and Croydon Athletic. Brad            By The Horns, wines, spirits and soft  details we’ll be putting it right here in
        and within a couple of  months       Sweeney is a new winger at RPV hav-          drinks. Much of the day-to-day run- the official Raynes Park Vale match-
        will  have been installed  and  will   ing signed from Oxhey Jets FC while        ing of the club will now fall on the  day programme.
        be fully operational just in time    centre-back Jordan Stepney joins             shoulders of our new Operations
        for  the  worst  of  the  winter!  Our   Vale from Ashford Town. ‘Into The        Manager, Helen Dalton. Helen has        Sponsorship
        ageing existing lights will  be re-  Vale’ will be trying to grab interviews      been involved in lots of areas of the   We are now able to offer player
        moved and the new system, fully                                                   club  already  and will  be  trying  to   sponsorship for all the RPV squad
        compliant with FA standards will                                                  get some organization into the huge    players and staff. For £50 for the
        see us playing in the murkiest of                                                                                        whole season you can demon-
        weather for the foreseeable future!                                                                                      strate  support  for  your  brother,
                                                                                                                                 son, friend or partner as well as for
                                                                                                                                 your club right here in ‘Into The
                                                                                                                                 Vale’. Companies or other organ-
                                                                                                                                 isations can also sponsor players
                                                                                                                                 for £100 for the season so, if you
                                                                                                                                 want to back Billy Bishop, give for
                                                                                                                                 a Gallagher or pledge some cash
                                                                                                                                 for Casmir get in touch at:

                                                                                          amount of work going on here. Good
                                                                                          luck with that!!
      New Signings                          New signing Reece Williams-Bowers  in         Helen is relishing the challenge and

      Regular fans will have seen a number  action against Guildford City                 describes her new role as ‘working
      of new faces around the team lately                                                 behind  the scenes implementing all
      as the great RPV squad get strength-   with the latest signings to learn more       the new exciting improvements and
      ened  with new players.  22  year  old  about them!                                 positive changes that will be happen-
      Reece Williams-Bowers, a forward                                                    ing to our much loved football club.’
      has signed from Isthmian League        Clubhouse                                    Needless to say we all wish her a
      club Burgess Hill FC having also had  The clubhouse at RPV provides a               warm Vale welcome to the club.
      spells at Kingstonian and AFC Wim-     great place to meet, chat, drink, eat
      bledon.                                and enjoy a pint or two with your            Also, while we here at ‘Into The Vale’
      New Centre-back Reece Hannigan  copy of ITV on match-days. We are                   haven’t been privy to all the details we
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