Page 30 - Raynes Park Vale v Redhill
P. 30

               CLUB NEWS

      In The Dug-Out

      Today, hear from Chris Williams
      - RPV's Strength & Conditioning
      expert on life at RPV so far!

      Since starting with Josh Gallagh-
      er, Ant Panyai, Jake Gallagher and
      Dan Canning at RPV during the
      summer we have come in with the                                                              RAYNES PARK VALE versus JERSEY BULLS
      goal of developing a young, exciting
      and physical team, in which if you                                                         Saturday 30th October 2021 - Kick-off 2pm
      have the pleasure of watching them                                                     Prince George's Playing Fields, Grand Drive, Raynes Park
      this season, I am sure you would
      agree. The new players coming
      in over the past month has only
      added to this thriving squad. Brad
      Sweeney, Reece Hannigan, Reece
      Williams-Bowers and Jordan Step-
      ney have all been great additions to
      the squad as much off the pitch as    very well as strength and condition-
      they are on it. This coupled with key  ing coach to this brilliant, and close
      players returning from injury over    knit team. My job is made easier by
      the following weeks puts RPV in       the the commitment, passion and
      good stead for an important period    intent of every single player and
      of our ongoing campaign.              coach involved with RPV, even if
                                            there is an odd unsavoury comment
      I have had the job of working with    made when the lads are pushed to
      these injured players in their road   work hard on a cold wet Tuesday
      to recovery and it is very clear to   evening training session.
      see that both Louie Downey and
      Cal Davies are both chomping at       I have enjoyed every second so far
      the bit to get back into action, and   with this group of lads, and I am
      hopefully pick up where they have     looking forward to a successful
      left off. I personally have settled in   season and beyond!
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