Page 12 - sample flip buider
P. 12
What’s New
Most of the motions we come across in our daily life are caused primarily by
To better understand the topic, perform the simple activities that follow:
Activity 1. Effect of force on a ball
Figure 6. Effect of force on a ball
Examine the ball on top of the table (see figure 6). Choose the letter of your
answer to the given conditions below:
Condition Answer
1. In letter A, is the ball A. Yes B. No
at rest?
2. How can you make A. The ball has to be B. The ball has to be
the ball move? pushed or pulled. pulled only.
3. In letter B, what A. The ball moves in
happens to the ball the same direction B. The ball does not
when you push it as the force. move.
with enough force?
B. The ball has to be
4. In letter C, while it is A. Exert a force
moving, how can you opposite the motion pushed in the
same direction of
make the ball stop? of the ball.
its motion.
B. The ball has to be
5. In letter D, how can A. The ball has to be pushed in the
we make the ball pushed sideways. same direction of
change its direction?
its motion.