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IRINA KEPPER Birch Bark Irina Kepper, together with several
other women artisans decided to open a workshop dedicated to keeping the old
birch bark handicrafts alive, way up in Novosibirsk, Siberia. They worked out the
old methods of making useful items from birch bark, and then designed a collec-
tion to market them, keeping this the only workshop in Siberia in operation,
thereby preserving an ancient craft. The best way to describe Birch Bark, is to call
it natural Gore-Tex, in that it’s both waterproof and really breathes! Natives of
Siberia, Scandinavia, and northern North America have known this for millennia.
Think of canoes! A wonderful organic material that is of course very “green.”The bark comes only from commercially grown trees, harvested during the spring, slated for lumber used in furniture. When you buy these beautiful articles, not only do you score, but are keeping a worthwhile handicraft alive. And that means something in this world of plastic sameness.
    Birch Bark Cheese Saver
These fantastic cheese contain- ers are all handmade using an ancient Siberian Birch Bark tradition. Basically, thin sheets of prepared bark are laced up in two layers using strips of the same bark. No nails, and hardly any glue is used. Given the breathability and the in-
herent oils in the bark,
your cheeses will not dry
out, form any condensation or mold, but rather natu-
rally mature in the aroma- tight box. Simply place
some parchment paper on the bottom and between your dif- ferent varieties of cheese, and
keep it in the refrigerator.
Since it is made of pure water-
proof birch bark, it can be gen-
tly cleaned with detergent and
hot water. 7 1⁄2” x 7 1⁄2” x 3 1⁄2”.
 KT146 $89.
     Birch Bark Bread Boxes We have these gorgeous bread-boxes in two sizes. Given the breathability and the inherent oils in the bark, bread will not dry out or get moldy as rapidly as in plastic or metal boxes. It is recommended that you put a layer of paper under the bread in these
boxes. Easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and in serious cases, may be cleaned with detergent and hot water. No dishwasher, please.
KT011 (12 1⁄2” x 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”)
KT012 (11” x 5” x 6 3⁄4”) 32 To Order Online:
$154. $139.
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