Page 14 - Zone Law Intellectual Property Brochure
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  Theodore Doucas
• Intellectual Property Lawyer
• Former Assistant Commissioner of Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs at the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
• Principal consultant for IP consultancy Zone IP (Zone IP and Trade Mark Zone)
• Member of NZ Law Society, IPSANZ, INTA, AIPPI and ADLS
IP Superpower – Trade Marks prosecution and disputes
There are two kinds of influencers in the world: those who build and those who destroy. Intellectual property is all about building and creating. It’s about being excited by the possibilities of what your business can create and build.
Our clients are innovative, passionate business builders and leaders who back themselves, who stake a claim to new ways of doing things, new innovations, and creations. They are not afraid to hitch their wagon to a star that no one else has yet discovered. It’s our job to take them there.
At Zone Law, we look beyond the traditional view to a co-operative and commercial approach to business, to meet the changing demands of the new globalised market.
I’m passionate about leading an IP law firm that is motivated to achieve successful outcomes that are good for your business.
Now, more than ever, it is vital to have an agile, innovative approach to developing your business assets. Especially for your Intellectual Property.
Innovation is one of the key drivers to maintaining a healthy business at the other end of a tough economy. With
a robust IP strategy, your business can expand your trade, confident in the knowledge thatyour precious ideas are protected.
In an ever-changing world of IP
is what sets Zone apart from others.

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