Page 15 - Zone Law Intellectual Property Brochure
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Our clients are innovative
and leaders.
  Jeremy Hunter
• Intellectual Property Lawyer and Patent Attorney
• Member of NZ Law Society, NZIPA, IPSANZ, APAA and ADLS
Identifying your IP opportunities and solutions across other areas of law
Anyone can be in your corner when things are going well. It’s when challenges and obstacles arrive at your doorstep that you need courageous leadership to step up to the plate, make difficult decisions and still retain your reputation and your humanity. Intellectual property law requires a patient, intuitive approach that can see through the fog of competing demands to pick out the best path for you and your business.
Our clients are innovative business builders and leaders, applying good quality commercial thinking to solve real- life business problems. It’s our job to help them achieve their goals, avoid problems and plan for their future.
At Zone, our approach to your IP challenges is always to think – ‘How can we make this better so that you come out of it well?’ We’re known for integrity, and for clear, frank advice– telling you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear.
I love helping people succeed, using commercial strategy and common
sense to achieve pragmatic commercial solutions in line with your client objectives. What’s your biggest problem, what’s your biggest asset? We can help solve one and protect the other.
As our world faces an uncertain future, it’s those innovative businesses who will show us the opportunities that we need to rebuild. Actively managing your IP portfolio and creating a realistic business strategy across multiple areas of the law for your IP protection ensures your ideas are developed on a solid, protected foundation.

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