Page 14 - FW Resolution Servics Welcome Book
P. 14
Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Agreement to Mediate
8. The mediation process commences when the parties accept this agreement. Acceptance does not require this document to be signed. Verbal advice to Family Works that it is accepted will suffice. The process ends when a form is issued under section 12 of the Act.
9. I will mediate in good faith with a view to assisting the process and reaching agreement with the other party or parties in the best interests of the child or children.
10. I will be honest with the other party or parties, and with the mediator(s).
11. I will comply with the reasonable directions of the mediator.
12. Iwillhavedueregardtoanyrecommendationsthemediatormakesinrelationtothemediation process.
13. ShouldIhaveanyconcernsaboutmyownsafetyorwelfareorthatofanyotherpersonIwill immediately notify the mediator. Should I have any queries or concerns about the mediation process I will raise them as soon as practicable with the mediator. Should I have any complaints or concerns about the mediator I will raise them as soon as practicable with Family Works.
14. Shouldagreementbereachedinthecourseofamediationsessionitwillberecordedinwritingand signed before the parties leave the session. They will implement the agreement in good faith.
15. IamawareofthenumberofhoursavailableformediationandanyfeeIamobligedtopayforthe mediation.
16. Themediatorisnotliabletoapartyforanyactoromissionintheperformanceorpurported performance of his or her obligations under this agreement, except in the case of absence of good faith.
17. Iwillnotmakeanyclaimindefamationinrelationtoanyverbalorwrittenstatementmadeaspartof the family dispute resolution process.
18. IamawarethatIcanobtaininformationaboutfamilydisputeresolutionmediationthroughthe Ministry of Justice website and from Family Works.
19. IknowthatIamnotobligedtoparticipateinfamilydisputeresolutionmediation.Iamreadyand willing to proceed with the mediation.
20. Thisagreementissubjecttoanylawtothecontrary.
14 | Family Works Central - Resolution Service Welcome Book