Page 13 - FW Resolution Servics Welcome Book
P. 13
Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Agreement to Mediate
As a condition of participating in family dispute resolution mediation I acknowledge and agree that:
1. The mediation will be conducted under the Family Dispute Resolution Act 2013 (the Act) and associated regulations.
2. Presbyterian Support Central (Family Works) will supply the mediation service through one or more accredited mediators who are either employees of Family Works or non-employees contracted to Family Works.
3. The purpose of family dispute resolution mediation is to:
a) assist parties to a parenting or guardianship dispute to resolve the dispute without having to pursue court proceedings; and
b) ensure that the parties’ first and paramount consideration in reaching a resolution is the welfare and best interests of the child or children.
4. The mediation process commences with a mediator assessing whether or not it is appropriate that the dispute be mediated. The mediation process may include the involvement of one mediator in the initial assessment phase and a different mediator in later phases.
5. If mediation is considered appropriate, the role of the mediator is to assist the parties to resolve the dispute by facilitating discussion and negotiation between them. The responsibility for reaching agreement lies with the parties. The mediator does not decide how the dispute is to be resolved, or impose any outcomes on the parties. The mediator as an impartial facilitator is independent of the parties and free of conflicts of interest. The mediator does not advocate for, or advise any party. The mediator may speak with the parties separately on a confidential basis at any time.
6. Mediation is a private and confidential process conducted on a “without prejudice” basis. The parties and the mediator(s) are not permitted to disclose to any person, organisation or body, including a court, what occurs within the mediation process. However any written agreement reached is not private or confidential, and may be disclosed to a court.
7. Despite what is referred to in the previous paragraph the mediator(s) may share information with Family Works to the extent required to enable Family Works to fulfil its role as service supplier. The mediator(s) may share information with Te Reo Tamariki/Voice of Child practitioners as is necessary or appropriate. Family Works may provide limited information to the Ministry of Justice as is required by it to fulfil itsresponsibilitiesundertheAct.The mediator(s)maydiscloseconfidentialinformationifbelieved necessary for the prevention or detection of offences or to prevent or lessen a threat to the life, health or safety of any person.
Family Works Central - Resolution Service Welcome Book | 13