Page 3 - Pinecrest Cluster_FR.March2024
P. 3

**Any new installations must be in conformance with this standard and every home in compliance
                                                      by April 16, 2029**

                                             Pinecrest Home Styles

                                                     By Address

                  *Models are based on the paneling of the home. Model A-F are the same, in both
                                        Spanish and Contemporary style homes.

                                                   Spanish Style Homes

                                                    *Stucco or T1-11 Siding

       Model                                                 Covent        Emerald
                        Antiqua            Cloudcroft       Gardens        Heights       Pyrenees       Lofty Heights

           A         2324, 2334, 2346,   2392, 2396, 2398,                 2287, 2295,    2463, 2467,   2200, 2202, 2212,

                     2352, 2354, 2356,   2402, 2406, 2418,                 2299, 2303,    2473, 2475,   2220, 2228, 2236
                     2364, 2366, 2364,   2422, 2432, 2436,    None         2305, 2311,    2477, 2484,
                        2366, 2372            2450                         2313, 2323     2491, 2499

           B              2340                None            None            2291           2453            2242

                    2328, 2342, 2350,   2382, 2384, 2390,                  2281, 2297,   2459, 2469,
          C            2360, 2368        2410, 2416, 2448     None            2317          2493             2226

                     2336, 2338, 2376   2378, 2388, 2404,
          D                                 2420, 2434        None         2289, 2301        2451         2230, 2244

                  2326, 2330, 2332, 2374                      None         2283, 2285,
           E                            2408, 2412, 2414,                  2307, 2309,   2455, 2457,   2204, 2208, 2210,
                                                                                                       2216, 2218, 2222,
                                        2424, 2426, 2430,
                                                                                         2465, 2471,
                                                                           2315, 2321
                                        2438, 2440, 2442,                                2479, 2481,   2224, 2232, 2234,
                                         2444, 2452, 2454                                2487, 2489,      2238, 2240
                                                                                          2495, 2497
                    2344, 2348, 2358,   2380, 2386, 2394,
           F           2362, 2370       2400, 2428, 2446,     None         2293, 2319     2461, 2483      2206, 2214
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