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Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) is an all-terrain patrol vehicle. The 8-man crew vehicle consist of
the driver and commander in the front and 6 men at the rear. The configuration of the crew
offers 360-degree cover around vehicle. LTV can be used for patrol, tactical insertion and surgical
attacks with easy manning and unmanning features for troopers.
Equipped with a light structure based on tubular frames, Its modular hull allows for the
integration of weapons and special equipment, making the vehicle a multi-mission light tactical
platform. The conventional layout houses engine at front, crew cab in the middle and cargo
section at the rear.
The driver and commander enter and exit the cabin through a hydraulically operated door on
either side of the hull. Each door is fitted with a large glass window. The forward cabin is
protected by a two-piece wind shield. The vehicle carries a spare wheel on the right side of the
rear hull, while the left side of the rear hull accommodates a box-shaped storage compartment.
Either side of the hull is provided with cage type storage holders for carrying the soldier gear and
Military units employ LTV as a light, tactical-wheeled vehicle to support all types of military
operations. LTVs are used as reconnaissance, maneuver sustainment, and command and control
platforms. Small ground combat units will employ LTV in combat patrols, raids, long-range
reconnaissance, and convoy escort.