Page 6 - Descriptive Text Book, Grade 8
P. 6

2.  Description
                           This  section  contains  a  more  specific  explanation  of  the
                           object.  For  example,  physical  appearance,  properties,  and
                           other things that are then described specifically. Example:

                           Herly has brown-black fur. Her nose is small, but she has
                           big eyes.

                   D. Language Feature
                   Language feature in descriptive text has 4:
                       1.   Specific Objects / Participants
                           Subjects in a sentence that refer to specific, unique, and

                           singular objects. This means these objects are not common
                           and can be clearly identified.
                              - My friend (teman saya)
                             - Borobudur temple (Candi Borobudur)
                           - Uncle Jim (Paman Jim)

                       2.  Simple Present Tense
                           The simple present tense is a tense in English used to state
                           facts, habits, or conditions. The sentence pattern is subject +
                           base form of the verb (for third-person singular subjects,
                           the verb usually has an "s" or "es" added).
                             - The sun rises in the east. – matahari terbit dari timur
                             - Jane is a lovely person. – Jane adalah pria yang manis

                             - She goes to school every day.
                             – Dia Pergi kesekolah setiap hari
                       3.  Action Verbs to Show Activity
                           Action verbs are verbs that show an activity or action
                           performed by the subject. These verbs describe the physical
                           or mental actions of the subject.

                            - run (aktifitas lari)

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