Page 16 - English E-Module Transportation
P. 16

F. Formative Test

               A. Put a cross (X) on the letters a, b, c, or d on the correct answer!

                  1.  Transportation used by humans to move places or transport things on land
                       is called……
                       a. Land Transportation              c. air transportation

                       b. Water transportation             d. space transportation
                  2.  Transportation that humans use to move places or transport things in the
                       water is called………
                       a. Land transportation              c. air transportation
                       b. water transportation             d. space transportation

                  3.  transportation that is used by humans to move places or transport
                       something in the air is called………
                       a. Land Transportation              c. air transportation
                       b. Water transportation             d. space transportation

                  4.  Siska……… arplane to travel to Bali
                       a. used                             c. using
                       b. use                              d. uses
                  5.  How………she go to school?
                       a. do                               c. did

                       b, does                             d. doing
                  6.  Boat is belonging to………
                       a. Land transportation              c. Water transportation
                       b. Air Transportation               d. Space transportation

                  7.  This is the examples of land transportation….
                       a. car                              c. boat
                       b. ship                             d. airplane
                  8.  She………to school by bicycle
                       a. go                               c. going

                       b. goes                             d. gone
                  9.  Andy travels from Bali to Jakarta by……
                       a. bicycle                          c. airplane

                       b. motorcycle                       d. car
                                 10.  It is a……
                                  a. airplane              c. motorcycle
                                  b. helicopter            d. bike

                                                     English E-Module for 4  Grade| Transportation            11
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