Page 2 - OPG Presentation - Shallowater
P. 2
October 23, 2014
Mayor Robert Olmsted Jr. Councilman Keny Arnold Councilman Rodney Cates Councilman Tory “TJ” McAuley Councilman Norman Moore Councilman Chris Cody
City Attorney Will Griffis
Dear Mayor Olmsted and Members of the Shallowater City Council,
My name is Brett Johnson and I am writing on behalf of the Overland Property Group to express my firms’ interest in developing a multi-family apartment community in Shallowater. We have been in business since 2002 and have developed over 2,000 apartment units in 5 states, including Texas.
Our interest in Shallowater is a result of numerous studies and analysis of the Lubbock/Wolfforth/Shallowater markets over the past 4 years. Presently, we have 108 units nearing completion on 98th and U Ave in Lubbock and have seen tremendous interest in those units. It is our desire to develop a similar community in Shallowater and have had preliminary discussions with Amanda Cummings and Michael Neighbors regarding sites.
Part of the success of our portfolio is our focus on both “affordable housing” as well as standard “market-rate” units that not income-restricted. This approach provides communities with much needed workforce housing while also providing units to families, teachers, single mothers with an affordable, safe place to call home.
In the following pages you will find information on my firm as well as a brief explanation of the process we will need to follow in order to bring this development to Shallowater. I encourage you to take a few minutes to review the information within and feel free to email or call me with any questions.
I would like to schedule a work-session and / or tour of our property in Lubbock prior to a November Council meeting. Best regards,
Brett Johnson
Overland Property Group

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