Page 103 - Team Sport Catalogue 2023 - EURO.
P. 103

01 UFW025 URBAN   01  02  06                                                            06 UFW08 URBAN
 FITNESS 12KG                                                                            FITNESS VINYL
 DUMBBELL TREE SET                                                                       KETTLEBELL

 Ideal for a range of exercises
 including power walking aerobics,                                                       Vinyl Kettlebells are the ultimate
 yoga and Pilates, as well as general                                                    fitness partner, helping develop
 muscle strength, toning and                                                             functional strength, power,
 conditioning workouts, rehabilitation                                                   endurance, core stability and balance.
 and physiotherapy exercises. 2 x 1kg                                                    Can be swung, lifted and pushed,
 weights, 2 x 2kg weights and 2 x 3kg                                                    they offer users a comprehensive
 weights. €70.00                                                                         full body, fat burning workout like no
                                                                                         other kind of fitness equipment can.
                                                                                         UFW0804 4kg €11.00
 02 UFW060 URBAN                                                                         UFW0806 6kg  €16.00
 FITNESS 20KG                                                                            UFW0808 8kg €22.00
                                                                                         UFW0810 10kg €27.00
 DUMBBELL SET                                                                            UFW0812 12kg  €32.00
                                                                                         UFW0814 14kg €38.00
 Perfect for a whole-body workout                                                        UFW0816 16kg €42.00
 can help you achieve whatever fitness   03                                              UFW0820 20kg €53.00
 goals you have, without leaving the
 house. Work your upper body and                                                         07 UFW07 URBAN
 add some extra resistance to your
 lower body workouts. €108.00                                                            FITNESS CAST IRON
 03 UFW028 URBAN   07                                                                    Powder-coated cast iron kettlebells.
 FITNESS ADJUSTABLE                                                                      Kettlebells increase strength,
 KETTLEBELL - MAX                                                                        endurance, agility and balance.
 WEIGHT 18KG/40LB                                                                        UFW071 4kg Purple €24.00
                                                                                         UFW072 6kg Bottle €32.00
                                                                                         UFW073 8kg Red €40.00
 Giving 7 weight combinations in a                                                       UFW074 10kg Blue €50.00
 compact design. Making it ideal to                                                      UFW075 12kg Orange €57.00
 transport and store almost anywhere.                                                    UFW076 14kg Yellow €65.00                            Multi Sport - Rehabilitation  |  103
 Can be swung, lifted and pushed,   04                                                   UFW077 16kg Silver €75.00
 they offer users a comprehensive                                                        UFW078 20kg Charcoal €93.00
 full body, fat burning workout like no                                                  UFW079 24kg Black €111.00
 other kind of fitness equipment can.
 Colours: Black/green, black. €180.00                                                    08 UFW03 URBAN
                                                                                         FITNESS HEX
 04 UFB105 URBAN                                                                         DUMBBELLS -
 FITNESS ADJUSTABLE                                                                      NEOPRENE COVERED
 BENCH                                                                                   (PAIR)
 A padded seat, back rest and foam
 ankle holders provide additional                                                        cast iron dumbbells.
 support and comfort so you can                                                          UFW030 0.5kg Pink €6.00
 train longer and harder. Solidly                                                        UFW031 1kg Purple €11.00
 constructed this beautifully crafted   08                                               UFW032 1.5kg Green €18.00
 bench easily adjusts via a convenient                                                   UFW033 2kg Sky €23.00
                                                                                         UFW034 3kg Orange €35.00
 ladder adjustment to flat, incline and
 decline positions bringing greater                                                      UFW035 4kg Red €46.00
 diversity to your training program.                                                     UFW036 5kg Blue €58.00
 Size: 129 x 43 x 36cm.  €156.00                                                         UFW037 8kg Bottle €93.00
 05                                                                                      UFW038 10kg Silver €116.00
 05 UFW090 URBAN

 The Urban Fitness rubber medicine
 balls are perfect for those
 who want to improve strength,
 coordination and flexibility,
 ideal for generating explosive
 power, speed, and endurance.
 UFW0902 2kg Blue €27.00
 UFW0903 3kg Orange €34.00
 UFW0904 4kg Red €40.00
 UFW0906 6kg Yellow €60.00
 UFW0908 8kg Green €74.00
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