Page 82 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 82

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology      DCIT 25 – Data Structures and Algorithms

               the array when the array is declared. There are four components of a statement that declares
               an array. These components are a data type, an array name, the total number of array element
               to create (or what we call array size), and a semicolon (;). Here’s the declaration statement in
               C and C++:
                                                    int grades[10];

                       The Data Type is a keyword that tells the computer the amount of memory to reserve
               for each element of the array. In this example, the compiler to told to reserve enough memory
               to store an integer for each array element.
                       The Array Name is the name you use within a program to reference an array element.
               The array name in this example is grades. The number within the square brackets is the total
               number of elements that will be in the array. The previous statements tell the computer to
               create an array of 10 elements.
                       Avoid making a common rookie mistake, previously in this chapter, we learned that the
               index for the first array element is zero, not one. Therefore, the tenth array element has the
               index value 9, not 10.
                       Some programs confuse an index with the total number of array elements. That is,
               they  use  the  value  9  within  the  square  brackets  when  declaring  an  array  because  they
               assume,  they  are  declaring  10  elements.  But  in  reality,  they  are  declaring  an  array  of  9

               Multidimensional Arrays
                       The array described in this chapter is referred to as one-dimensional array because
               the array consists of one series of elements However, an array can have more than one series
               of elements. This is called a Multidimensional Array.
                       A  multidimensional array  consists  of  two  or  more  arrays  defined by  sets of arrays
               elements, as shown in the figure below. Each set of array elements is an array. The first set
               of array element is considered as the primary array, and the second and subsequent sets of
               array elements are considered subarrays.
                       There are two arrays in the multidimensional array shown in the figure below. Each
               element of the first array points to a corresponding array.

                       Although you can create an array with any size multidimension, many programmers
               limit an array to two dimensions only. Any size greater than two dimension becomes unwieldy
               to manage.
                       An  analogy  we  find  helpful  is  visualizing  a  table  (rows  and  columns)  for  a  two-
               dimensional array and a cube for a three-dimensional array.

               Why use a Multidimensional Array?
                       A multidimensional array can be useful to organize subgroups of data within an array.
               Let’s say that a student has three grades, a mid-term grade, a final exam grade and a final
               grade. You can store all three grades for an endless number of students in a two-dimensional
               array, as shown in the figure below:

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