Page 90 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 90

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology          DCIT 55 – Advance Database System

                 VARBINARY(size)          Maximum size of 255           Where size is the number of
                                               characters.           characters to store. Variable-length

               Large Object Data Type(LOB) Data Types:
                         Data Type Syntax                              Maximum Size
                            TINYBLOB                             Maximum size of 255 bytes.
                            BLOB(size)                          Maximum size of 65,535 bytes.
                          MEDIUMBLOB                          Maximum size of 16,777,215 bytes.
                            LONGTEXT                  Maximum size of 4GB or 4,294,967,295 characters.

               How to install MySQL
                       -   Go to MySQL official website:
                       -   Choose the version number for MySQL community server which you want.
               Installing MySQL on Windows
                       Your downloaded mySQL is neatly packaged with an installer. Download the installer
               package, unzip it anywhere and run setup.exe.
                       By default, this process will install everything under C:\mysql.

               Verify MySQL Installation
                       Once MySQL has been successful installed, the base tables have been initialized, and
               the server has been started, you can verify its working via some simple tests.

               Open your MySQL Command Line Client, it should be appeared with a mysql>promp. If you
               have set any password, write your password here. Now, you are connected to the MySQL
               server and you can execute all the SQL command at mysql>prompt as follows:

               For example: Check the already created databases with ‘show databases;’ command.

               Note: You can download “Termux” Application from Play Store for mobile devices.
               Download & Installation link:

               MySQL Create Database
               You can create a MySQL database by using MySQL Command Line Client.
               Open the MySQL console and write down password, if you set one while installation. You will
               get the following.

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