Page 58 - Library Manual
P. 58
CvSU Library Manual of Operations
the physical and bibliographic characteristics of the item,
and with determining the name(s) and title(s) to be used as
access points in the catalog, but not with the assignment of
subject and form headings.
Descriptive cataloging consists of two elements: a)
describing the physical item of the material and; b)
determining the main entry and correct formatting of the
entry and added entries suited for the material.
Anglo American Cataloging Rules edition 2 (AACR2)
divides the catalog record into eight areas as shown in Table
5. For books, the chief source of information is the title page
and the verso of the title page.
Table 5. Illustration of the eight areas and examples of
catalog record
Area Description Example
Title and statement of Teaching music in
responsibility secondary schools
2 Edition / Charles R. Hoffer
Special Area For Serials
3 and Cartographic .- –5 ed.
Place of Publication/
4 Publishers/ Date of . -- – Inside sports. - –
Publication Vol.1, no.1 -
Physical descriptions
5 Thompson Learning,
(pages: ill; size)
.- —(Theater and
6 Series (if any) performance
7 Notes bibliographical
references and index
8 ISBN ISBN 0-534-51655-6
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