Page 2 - Trece SSR BSIT 2020 - 1st
P. 2


                                                      RATING SCALE
              NA       0           1              2              3               4                  5
               -       -         Poor            Fair       Satisfactory  Very Satisfactory      Excellent

              Not    Missing  Critertion is met   Critertion is met in   Criterion is met in                                   Criterion is fully met

                                                                             Criterion is fully

                                                                                               with substantial
            Applicable       minimally in some   most respects but   all respects  met in all

                             respects, but much   some improvement is         respects, at a                             number of good

                              improvement is   needed to overcome              level that                             practices, at a level

                            needed to overcome   weaknesses                  demonstrates                     that provides a model

                               weaknesses                                    good practice       for others
                            (75% lesser than the  (50% lesser than the   (100% compliance   (50% greater than the   (75% greater than the
                               standards)      standards)  with the standards)  standards)       standards)
                                              Indicators                                      Item Rating (IR)  - Outcome Mean (SIOM)  (PM)
            PARAMETER A: ADMINISTRATION                                                               System Implementation
            S.1.    The organizational structure of the library is well-defined.              3
            S.2.    The development of the library goals and objectives is the responsibility   3           Parameter Mean
                    of the library head and staff with the approval of the Head of the
            S.3.    There is a Library Board/Committee which sets library policies, rules and   3
                    procedures and periodically reviews them.

            S.4.    There is a duly approved and widely disseminated Library Manual or        3
                    written policies and procedures covering the library's internal                3.00
                    administration operation.


            I.1.    The library develops an explicit statement of its goals and objectives in   3
                    conformity with the mandate of the institution.

            Information Technology Education │ Area VII: Library                                          82
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7