Page 23 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 23

Rating System (Adapted from PASUC KNOWLEDGE-BASED PROJECT: Text book
                       Evaluation Rating System)

                       Workbook Title:      __________________________________________________

                       Author(s):           __________________________________________________

                       1.  Below are the criteria for workbook evaluation.  Rate each item according to the
                          following scales:
                                5 – Excellent                (4.20 – 5.00)
                                4 – Very Good                (3.40 – 4.19)
                                3- Good                      (2.60 – 3.39)
                                2 – Fair                     (1.80 – 2.59)
                                1 – Poor                     (5.0    – 1.79)
                       2.  Determine first the partial score for each category.

                       3.  Get the total of the partial scores to arrive at an overall score for each workbook
                          under consideration.

                                      CRITERION                                         RATING
                          1.  Objectives                                      1     2      3      4      5
                              1.1.  Objectives  specify  what  the  student  is
                                   supposed to do.
                              1.2.  Objectives are clearly stated
                              1.3.  Objectives are achievable
                              1.4.  Objectives are measurable
                              1.5.  Objectives  include  cognitive,  affective
                                   and psychomotor domains.
                                                            Partial Score

                           2.  Content and Mechanics                          1     2      3      4      5
                              2.1.  Subject  matter  meets  the  stated
                                   objectives of the course
                              2.2.  Subject matter covers the competencies
                              2.3.  Subject matter is sufficient for the time
                              2.4.  Subject   matter   is   organized   in
                                   accordance with the course syllabus
                              2.5.  Activities are interesting
                              2.6.  Activities are suitable for a wide range
                                   of student abilities
                              2.7.  Activities  allow  for  the  development  of
                                   problem solving and social skills
                              2.8.  Activities develop higher cognitive skills,
                                   critical thinking and creativity
                              2.9.  Activities  utilize    practical  applications
                                   and    real-life   situations   whenever
                              2.10. Questions are well constructed
                              2.11. Questions are useful for review
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