P. 20

Pentruder 3P8 HF wire saw
Combines low weight with extraordinary performance for both small and big jobs

•	 Combines low weight with extra ordinary                    •	 The start of the wire is very easy thanks to the
     performance and is suitable for both small and very           electrical automatic feed and high power of the drive
     big jobs.                                                     motor.

•	 Recommended to use with the 18 or 22 kW HF                 •	 The automatic feed makes it very easy to run the saw
     motor.                                                        and it also extends the lifetime of the wire.

•	 Quick and easy set up thanks to the modular build          •	 Optimal force transmission thanks to 20” main drive
     up. Mostly a direct cut without extra satellite pulleys       pulley. The wire wraps around the main drive
     is possible.                                                  pulley 270°, which gives superb traction also when
                                                                   the wire has low tension during start up.
•	 All of the wire saw modules weigh less than 55 lbs.

                                                                       Light weight modules

    Optimal force transmission                                         Super strong HF motor
    to the wire                                                        Robust connectors

Technical Data Pentruder 3P8 HF wire saw

Specifications	                                               Storage

Power                400 Hz high frequency motor              Storage in pulleys	      21 feet
Drive motor	         18, 22 or 27 kW                          Storage capacity 	       3 feet per 1 foot stroke of 	
	                    18 kW                                    	                        the carriage,
Max continous                                                 	                        Max approximately 65 ft
output power 	       20”
                     8” O.D                                   Weight wire saw modules
Main drive pulley 	  8-12 mm                                  3P8-DP-HF Drive pulley, electric	 30 lbs
Storage pulleys	
Wire                                                          3P8-UA Upper assembly	          33 lbs
                                                              3P8-LA Lower assembly 	         43 lbs + 28 lbs

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