P. 26

Overview Pentruder Concrete Cutting System
HF power pack          Pentpak 427, 3-phase                              Remote control and cables

                                                                                                                                   Cable remote                 Wireless remote
                                                                                                                                   control CRC-HF               control WRC-HF

                                           PP427 HF power pack                                                                     HV400-9-30,                  LV24-9-30,
                                           Up to 27 kW                                                                             400V cable with              24 V cables with
                                                                                                                                   digital communication        digital communication
                                                                                                                                   connectors                   connectors

                                                  22 kW HF 18 kW HF 15 kW HF

Electrical motors

                                                             HFR22-400                                                             HFR18-400        HFR15-400

                          18 22 27 kW HF

                       Pentruder 3P8

Wire saw modules
Drilling modules


Rig system with 70 mm  3P8-LA                     3P8-UA
column for             Up to 65 ft                       Lower carriage
wire sawing            storage capacity

                         Upper carriage

                        CE1-70-3P8                CE1-70                                                                           FE-1             HK-1 Hand crank for
                        Carriage el. feed         Carriage man. feed                                                               Friction brake   CER and CEG
                                                                                                                                                    carriages and MDU
                                                                                                                                                                  Rear support

                       CN 0.5 F/M CN 1.2 F/M      CN 1.5 F/M             CN 0.5 F/J                                                CN 1.2 F/J       CN 1.5 F/J  RST-CN-U Universal
                                                  59”                    19.6”Jacking                                              47.2” Jacking    59”Jacking  RST-CN-M For male coupling
                       19.6”               47.2”                                                                                                                Rear Support for CN column

                                                  Base plate

26 BFC5                                                                                                                            WT-BFC5-300
                                                                                                        Base plate fixed coupling  Wheels for BFC5
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28