Page 10 - MOOSER E-CATALOG140419
P. 10

Mounting Clamps for Formwork Vibrators

The installation of ooser form or vibrators in our form or is no problem than s to our ide range of mounting
clamps. e have the right fastening solution for all the usual form or t pes frame and girder form or and steel
form or carriages.

type                     range of application                           formwork company          picture
                         C ol umn formwork sy stems,
q uick real ease         steel girders til l 23mm thick ness
mounting cl amp 1
                         panel form or                                  eri a imo Trio
q uick real ease         panel form or                                  eri omino
mounting cl amp
mounting p l ate for     steel fromwork carriage                         eri T               tec
V R 5 6 K 3, V R 5 7K 3                                                  oa
cross-shap ed p l ate3   wooden girder formwork                         H ü nnbeck : H 20
                             -girder                                    M ev a: H 20
 T                                                                      N oe: H 20
                           ooden girder form or                         Paschal : H 20
 TT                      transverse profile
                                                                         eri T
 T ammut tartec            ooden girder form or                            nnbec
                         transverse profile
                                                                        eva ammut tartec lu tar
                         form or joint

1 not suitable for electric form or vibrators.
2 onl suitable for electric form or vibrators.
3 mounting clamp mounted permanentl onto the frame or girder form or .

    The above given technical performance data are non-binding average values and are subject to modifications and amendments.


                         Lindberghstraße 3                              Phone +49 89 804348
                         D-82178 Puchheim                               Fax +49 89 804813
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