Page 29 - MOOSER E-CATALOG140419
P. 29

Vibrating Screeds

Profile vibrating screeds for tunnel construction and special geometries

 ur vibration-cushioned profile vibrating screeds save e pensive and time consuming repair or e.g. for possible
concrete crac s at the all-base transition. n the constructions used up to no the energ of the vibrators as
transferred to the heels or the rails of the form or carriage.

 ur solution consists in a vibrating screed hose vibrations are selectivel dampened at the desired points.
The heels for e ample are largel protected from the energ of the vibrators and the vibrations are barel
transferred to the adjacent building parts.
The vibrating screeds are designed and manufactured especiall to suit the customer s re uirements ta ing into
account the specified geometries. The can be adjusted in the a is and in the height the idest possible range
of radii is possible.
The are moved as standard ith hand inches electric drive is available on re uest.

The above given technical performance data are non-binding average values and are subject to modifications and amendments.


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D-82178 Puchheim   Fax +49 89 804813
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