Page 63 - MOOSER E-CATALOG140419
P. 63

Vibrating Tables

Vibrating tables with maximum dimensions of 120cm x 120cm
The tables are especiall made for individual re uirements. hether for compaction e uali ation releasing loose-
ning, distributing or testing – al l of the tabl es are coordinated by us for y our ap p l ication in terms of amp l itude, sp eed,
and in their entire vibration behaviour.

· customiz ed tabl e p l ate siz es

  customi ed table heights up to ma . cm
· customiz ed bore p attern or mil l ed sl ots for mounting the l oads

· steel ( l acq uered or p owder coated)
· stainl ess steel ( tabl e p l ate or ov eral l construction)

Vibrations: (frequency / amplitude)

fre uenc adjustment via fre uenc converter from                 till ma .

adjustment of amplitude and centrifugal force manuall b setting of the unbalanced    eights of the vibration motor

· v ertical or rotary v ibrations

cloc timer to adjust the operating intervals

Application Areas:
· comp action of concrete, p owders or foundry sand in moul ds
· de-aeration of v iscous media

  compaction of loose bul materials e.g. in pac aging such as bo es sac s big pac s
  levelling attening of conical heaps
· testing of el ectrical or mechanical comp onents for v ibration-resistance
  cleaning removal of adhering material e.g. dirt particles

type     dimensions
R 06 06            cm
R 1010
         6 0 x 6 0 cm
                   cm              f ou re uire another table si e please feel free to contact us.

         100 x 100 cm

         The above given technical performance data are non-binding average values and are subject to modifications and amendments.


                                   Lindberghstraße 3            Phone +49 89 804348
                                   D-82178 Puchheim             Fax +49 89 804813
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