Page 10 - E-Book_Procedure Text_Putu Widia Antari Dewi
P. 10

Language Feature of Procedure Text

                   1.  Use adverbial of sequence /using temporal conjunction (For example: first,

                       second, third, the last).

                   2.  Use command / imperative sentence (For example: put the noodles on the

                       …., cut the onion …, wash the tomatoes ….,).

                   3.  Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner

                       accurate, for example: for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.

                   4.  Using action verbs, example: make, take, boil, cook.

                   5.  Using Simple Present Tense.

                      Let’s see the example of

                       Procedure Text below

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15