Page 5 - E-book Congratulating and Complimenting Others for Grade 10
P. 5
Core Discussion
1 Learning Outcomes
Understand the social functions, text structures, and action elements of
congratulating and praising, as well as responding to them, according to the
context of use
2 Subsequent Learning Outcomes
1. Listening and imitating several examples of conversations on
congratulating and praising demonstrated by the teacher/recording, with
correct speech and word stress.
2. Ask and answer questions to identify and name the expressions of
congratulation and praise and their additions.
3. Determine the right expression orally/written from various other similar
4. Make a habit of applying what is being learned. in interactions with
teachers and friends naturally inside and outside the classroom.
3 Main Material
The subject matter of the Teaching Materials is congratulating and
complimenting. These teaching materials include social functions, language
features, and expressions used in congratulating and complimenting others.
4 Description of the material (Problem Based Learning)
Have you ever given any congratulations and
compliments to someone? Who is he/she?
Why did you congratulate and compliment
How did your friend feel when you
congratulated and complimented him/her?
E-Book Congratulating and Complimenting Others