Page 5 - EH_LEVEL 5_NEW
P. 5
How to stay healthy
"We all want to be healthy, so here are some ideas to help”
Eat healthy food
Get lots of exercise "Candy and chips are fun to
"You can play sports, or eat sometimes, but it isn’t
play outside with your good to eat them every
friends. Exercise makes day. You should eat lots of
you stronger. You should fruit and vegetables. Meat
get exercise daily." and fish are also good for
you. Food with a lot of
sugar is bad for your teeth!"
Drink enough water and milk
"You should drink enough water because your body
needs water. Milk keeps your teeth strong."
(True/False Questions)
1.You should get lots of exercise. T
2.Playing outside with friends is good exercise. _____
3.You should eat candy every day. _____
4.Meat and fish aren’t good for you. _____
5.Sugar is bad for your teeth. _____
6.You shouldn’t drink milk. _____
1. What are some ways to get exercise?
2. How does exercise help your body?
3. What foods are good for you?
4. Why is food with a lot of sugar bad for you?
5. How does milk help your teeth?