Page 20 - Peerless Performance Travelers Proposal
P. 20

 Start here
End here 5 ROI
       Initial Analysis
Payoff Needs Business Needs
Performance Needs Learning Needs
Preference Needs
5 ROI Objectives
4 Impact Objectives
3 Application Objectives 2 Learning Objectives
1 Reaction Objectives
4 Impact
3 Application
2 Learning 1 Reaction
Measurement & Evaluation
       Basic Alignment and Forcasting
 The ROI
Process Modelel
Peerless Performance invests in the Dr. Jack Phillips/ROI Institute Methodology in measuring an ROI specifically tied to Incentives.
Phase 1
The goal is to understand the objectives, audience, relationship with the audience and sources of data available to create six levels of measurement:
1. Reaction and Perceived Value 2. Learning and Confidence
3. Application and Implementation 4. Business Impact
5. ROI
6. Intangible Benefits
Because this ROI Methodology was created to support Incentive and motivation type programs, Peerless can establish lead indicators that measure both qualitative and quantitative results and build both into our models up front.

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