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Company Directors
KenBellistheChairmanofIronCreekGroup,Inc. Mr.Bellhasover30yearsofexperienceinthewasteandrecyclingindustryandhas ownedandoperatednumerousrecyclingfacilitiesthroughouttheU.S.andCanada. In1994,Mr.BellfoundedBESTRecycling,Inc.which manageswasteandrecyclingfromAntarcticaandotherremotelocations. Overtheyears,Mr.Bellhasbuiltsuccessfulbusinessestaking onprojectsthatothercompaniesdidn’twant,oftenduetotheirextremelocationsorconditions. Someoftheselocationsincludethe AleutianIslands,Greenland,theYukon,andAntarctica. Mr.BellhashelpedIronCreekfacilitatethelatestdesigninthermalremediation technology - the TECH ZERO, a technology speci cally designed for di cult wastes, extreme conditions, and remote locations. His broad range of experience in the industry is an asset to Iron Creek’s strategic development. Mr. Bell and his companies hold numerous business awards and certi cations.
Chad Belenky is the President of Iron Creek Group Inc. where he is responsible for the management and oversight of all aspects of the business. At Iron Creek, Mr. Belenky oversees a broad range of environmental and remediation projects while providing corporate guidanceandensuringthecompanymaintainsacommitmenttoexcellence. Mr.Belenkyhasbeenactiveintheenvironmental eldsin- ce1996workingonenergyandresourceindustrysitesthroughoutWesternandNorthernCanada. Inconjunctionwithatechnicalback- ground and diploma in Land Resource Management, Mr. Belenky has over 20 years of industrial and resource sector experience. This includes an extensive background in both soil and groundwater remediation, all phases of site reclamation, property transfer activities andprojectmanagement. HisexperienceincludescompletingPhaseI,IIandIIIEnvironmentalSiteAssessments(ESA),reclamationDe- tailed Site Assessments, remediation project design & implementation, surface reclamation operations and construction management.
At Iron Creek, Mr. Belenky manages the Thermal Remediation business which includes: Health & Safety leadership including the deve- lopment and implementation of a corporate Health and Safety Management System; Senior technical support & project oversight for company services; Management of Human Resources; Business planning, development & marketing; Equipment purchasing, logistics, project planning and bid preparation. Mr. Belenky holds numerous training and management certi cations as well as Academic Excel- lence Awards.
RogerRichteristheVPofOperationsofIronCreekGroup,Inc. Rogerhasbeenactiveinthethermalremediationindustryforthe last 23 years. He has vast experience in planning, mobilizing and completing local and remote remediation projects throughout the World. Mr.RichterpossessesaproventrackrecordonsoilremediationprojectsusingHotAirVaporExtraction,IndirectandDirect- red TDU’s,EnhancedThermalConductionandtheM1Technology. Mr.Richter’sexperienceincludesthepermitting,construction,andope- ration of several stationary treatment facilities in the U.S. He pioneered the design, development and construction of the technology knownasEnhancedThermalConduction(ETC). Alsopioneeredthedesign,developmentandconstructionofthetechnologyknownas the “M1 Technology”. At Iron Creek, Mr. Richter manages  eld operations and technology development. He holds numerous training certi cations and has been awarded a number of thermal technology patents.

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