Page 4 - M1-12 Ops Manual McMurdo 2016
P. 4

Technology Overview
Technology Overview
The M1 is an advanced remedia on technology. This technology u lizes infrared hea ng elements to heat contaminated soil/sludge. Electricity is applied to the infrared hea ng elements inside the element housings. These elements heat up to 1600 degrees F.
As the soil/sludge temperature rises, hydrocarbons and water vola lize and create high pressure. This pressure forces the steam and vola lized hydrocarbons into the low-pressure, perforated element hous- ings where they travel along the 1400 to 1600 degree elements where the vapors are destroyed prior to exhaust.
Heat is transferred from the elements to the soil/sludge by conduc on and the soil/sludge is heated to temperatures between 350 and 1600 degrees F. Typically the processing  me is 72 hours or less, de- pending on the characteris cs of the soil/sludge and the types and concentra ons of the contaminants.
The outside dimensions of the M1-12 are 6   wide, 12   long and 5   high. Each M1 holds approximately 11.37 cubic yards of soil/sludge at the op mum  ll level. The M1 - 12’s weight is approximately 4,500 lbs (empty).
Thermodynamics & Air ow
Heat pa erns
As the M1 heats the soil/sludge, a circular heat pa ern typically develops from the hea ng elements out. This circular heat pa ern is generated by each hea ng element. Once the heat pa erns meet (between hea ng elements), the soil/sludge treatment is typically complete. The lasts soil/sludge to be treated is the soil/sludge furthest from the hea ng elements. It is at this point that we typically use thermocouple probes to measure the temperature.
Warping and expanding steel
As the M1 heats and cools, there are many di erent stresses put on the M1’s steel structure. It is not un- common for stainless steel to warp during hea ng. This warping is reduced as the M1 cools a er treat- ment. Warping is accounted for in the M1 design and should not interfere with soil/sludge treatment or opera on. The hea ng element housings are also designed to allow for expansion. These housings grow approximately 2 inches in length during opera on. Expansion sockets are provided for these housings within the center support of the M1.
Air ow
The M1 has no moving parts. The only air ow is generated by the expansion of water (soil/sludge mois- ture) to steam. This expansion is what drives air to the exhaust ports.

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