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Our Technologies
The TECH ZERO is Iron Creek’s lastest emerging technology, The TECH-ZERO operates in a zero oxygen environment. This allows for the vola liza on, condensing, and recovery of petroleum products and other materials priviously entrapped in the contaminated solids.
The TECH-ZERO is a concept unlike any other in the industry. It combines all of the top characteris cs of our previous designs into one simple,  eld capable system. It processes material in batches, avoiding the need for augers, feed belts, and rota ng drums. It vaporizes contaminantsattemperatureslowerthantheirboilingpointsinordertomaximizee ciencies. Foranexampleofhowthisworks,werefer towetpavement. At90degreesF,thepavementwilldryquickly. Itisnotnecessarytoheatthepavementto212F(theboilingpointofwa- ter)inordertogetthewatertovola lize. Thesameistrueformostcontaminants. Theyvaporizeatmuchlowertemperatures-with me.
There is a lack of compe  on when it comes to high-throughput, mobile, thermal technologies. And that is why the design of the TECH ZERO is perfect for oil eld waste both on-site and at  xed treatment facili es. The design is simple to manufacture and mass-produce for rapid deployment.
This design u lizes a “core hea ng” system that is able to be u lized in many di erent con gura ons. The overall design possesses all of the best characteris cs we look for in our technologies. These include: high throughput, ability to recover oil, high e ciency, low mainte- nance, low labor requirements, portable, simple to operate, low emmisions.

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