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Our Technologies
The ETC Technology
Enhanced Thermal Conduc on (ETC) is an ex-situ thermal remedia on process that heats sta onary contaminated soil, vaporizes the contaminants, and destroys the o -gases. This design allows for much lower opera ng costs through higher thermal e ciency, com- paredtootherthermaltechnologies,which“tumble”thesoil. Someofthekeybene tsoftheETCtechnologyinclude:
• Cost e ec ve thermal treatment
• ETC systems are scalable, robust, simple, and easy to mobilize & operate
• All-weather capable and able to process virtually any soil type
• No requirement to mechanically pre-process or screen soil t
• Does not produce waste byproducts or reject material and is able to treat high moisture content soils
• Ideal for remote sites or loca ons with challenging access issues yet just as func onal in urban se ngs
A broad range of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts including diesel range organics, crude oil, coal tars, heavy hydrocarbons and PAH’s, have been successfully treated with this technology.
This design has been deployed around the world to e ec vely remediate hundreds of thousands of tons of hydrocarbon and organic contaminant impacted soils since the mid 1990’s and many of these projects have been remote in nature.
To date, projects have been successfully completed for many organiza ons including Progress Energy, Chevron Corpora on, U.S. Navy, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Transporta on, Department of Correc ons, NOAA, and Thiess Services.