Page 40 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
P. 40

40                                                                  VIKRAM  SOLAR   CREATING  CLIMATE  FOR  CHANGE

                             ACTIVE CSR KEY FACTS

                             A BRIGHTER


                             The philosophy of 'Janambhumi' and 'Karambhumi'

                             is at the core of Vikram Solar’s CSR activities - the
                             first being the place where one is born and the later

                             being the place where one works hard to establish
                             self-identity. Our CSR focus is to give back to the

                             society - both, the 'Janambhumi' and the

                                       community that enjoys            We have adopted a three-pronged
                                       good health, stable              approach to our extensive CSR
                                       income, sound                    work:
                             A astructure and a clean
                             environment was envisioned by              •  Educating the masses for the
                             Shri H.K. Chaudhary, Chairman of               overall progress of the
                             Vikram Group.                                  community

                             He set out to achieve his dream of         •  Undertaking activities that are
                             spearheading a business empire in              within and beyond the
                             Kolkata while upholding his vision             conventional realms of CSR
                             of a healthy, content and                  •  Initiating development
                             prosperous society.                            programmes that completely

                                                                            transform the community and
                             Vikram Group’s welfare                         provide them with
                             programmes for the communities                 opportunities to live a better
                             in and around Bahal in Haryana,                life.
                             India are steered under the aegis
                             of Ballaram Hanumandas
                             Charitable Trust. The Trust plays a
                             pivotal role in transforming the
                             lives of people across India.
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