P. 111

It has a back pocket designed to hold both the cold gel and the insulin
                                                  It has a back pocket designed to hold both the cold gel and the insulin
                                                  pens. A correct temperature is guaranteed even in high temperatures
                                                  thanks to the isothermal compartments.
                                                  Cuenta con un bolsillo trasero diseñado para alojar tanto el gel
                                                  frío como los aplicadores de insulina, garantizando una correcta
                                                  temperatura incluso en altas temperaturas.

                                                                                The frontal pocket  is  designed to
                                                                                hold diabetic diagnosis material like
                                                                                glucometer, needles, test strips, etc.
                                                                                El bolsillo frontal está diseñado para el
                                                                                transporte del material de diagnóstico
                                                                                de la diabetes: glucómetro, lancetas,
                                                                                tiras reactivas, etc.

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