Page 13 - Listening Supplementary for X Grade Agricutural Vocational Highschool
P. 13




                10. What climatic phenomenon has recently

                affected Indonesia, causing unusual weather

                patterns and potential challenges for farmers?

                a) La Niña                                                c) Monsoon

                b) El Niño                                                d) Typhoon

                11. What advice is given to farmers in response to

                the impact of El Niño?

                a) Increase water usage without restrictions

                b) Implement water-conservation measures

                c) Rely solely on traditional crop varieties

                d) Ignore the weather changes

                 12. Which of the following is NOT suggested to

                 handle El Niño?

                 a) Diversifying crops

                 b) Adopting climate-resilient varieties

                 c)      Ignoring           the       changes            and        maintaining

                 conventional farming practices

                 d) Implementing efficient irrigation systems
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