Page 26 - Listening Supplementary for X Grade Agricutural Vocational Highschool
P. 26


                        Descriptive Objective

              Objective 1: By the end of this unit on audio

                    description,             students            will       demonstrate                 a

                    comprehensive understanding of the principles

                    and techniques involved in creating effective

                    audio descriptions for visual media, including

                    films, television shows, and online content.

              Objective 2: Upon completion of this unit, students

                    will develop practical skills in scriptwriting and

                    narration, enabling them to craft clear, concise,

                    and engaging audio descriptions that enhance

                    the        accessibility             of       visual          content            for

                    individuals with visual impairments.

              Objective 3: Through practical exercises and

                    hands-on activities, students will apply their

                    knowledge of audio descriptive techniques to

                    analyze              and          critique             existing             audio

                    descriptions, fostering a critical awareness of

                    the        impact            and         importance                of       audio
                    descriptions in creating inclusive and equitable

                    media experiences.
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