Page 32 - Listening Supplementary for X Grade Agricutural Vocational Highschool
P. 32




                13. What is one common symptom of banana

                virus infection in plants?

                   a) Increased fruit production

                   b) Stunted growth and wilting leaves

                   c) Enlarged bunches of bananas

                   d) Brighter green foliage

                14.        How           are        banana             viruses           typically


                   a) Through irrigation

                   b) By wind dispersal

                   c) By insects and contaminated tools

                   d) Via birds

                 15. Which of the following banana viruses is

                 mentioned in the description?

                    a) Apple scab virus

                    b) Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

                    c) Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW)

                    d) Grape black rot virus
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