Page 119 - JRF Class of 2020 Yearbook
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GE-Lloyd Trotter Award
Honors a JRF Scholar who has successfully undertaken an innovative and unique project in
the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) discipline.
2019 Bamidele Aleshe
Organized and facilitated off-campus workshops where
blood pressure, BMI, and health readings are provided to
underserved communities in the Los Angeles Area at free
clinics and health fairs.
Spike Lee Motivation Award
Recognizes a JRF Scholar who has distinguished themselves by creating an especially innovative
and practical method of meeting the needs of an individual, group, or organization.
2019 Brooke Porter
Created and facilitated programs for 13-19 year-old
students on various educational initiatives from arts and
drama and sexual health in Cape Town, South Africa.
Unilever Legacy of Leadership Award
Unilever Legacy of Leadership Award honors a JRF Scholar in their junior year who, through
exemplary leadership, has impacted their campus or community.
2019 Nebeyu Tibebu
Established a memorial scholarship fund to support students
from low income communities
Jackie Robinson Foundation Class of 2020 Yearbook I Page 117