Page 77 - JRF Class of 2020 Yearbook
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Region Pacific
Congrats Northeast Scholar Region
Class of 2020!! To the Class of 2020-
Wow, we can’t believe it’s been four What a time to graduate college.
years since we interviewed you guys What a time to reflect upon how
as fresh-faced high school seniors. you will embrace this next life
We remember all of you discussing chapter. What a time to continue
your goals and the life you hoped to building upon your rich leadership
have in college. journey to date. What a time to
Well here we are, four years later. be alive and to make your marks
You had some happy times, some on humanity and the planet as we
know it.
sad ones, experienced triumphs and
setbacks, and learned a lot about Wishing each of you the best
yourself and others. Guess what? of luck as you further cultivate
The rest of your life will bring the and share your unique skills,
same so you’ll be ready for it! The talents, and passions with the
experience you developed in pressing world. Society will absolutely be
forward and navigating new challenges better off because of each of
will carry you forever. Don’t shy away you. Thank you for the memories,
from the new or the difficult or the the inspiration, and for continuing
impossible. You won’t really know Jackie Robinson’s legacy. Please
unless you try. So try hard, try often, family.
do stay connected to your JRF
and teach others to try as well. That
kid you used to be when we first met Congratulations and much love,
will thank you for it. Harold, Lauren, Kimberly, Yashica,
Jermaine, Charisse, William, Keith,
Fondly, Talia, Leon, Hayin, Amy & Brittany
Lisa, Reggie, Marie, Anne, Heather,
Dorie, Allison, Thierry, Hope, Dafina,
Yolanda, Cynthia, Danielle, Sebastian,
Ernie, Siobhan, Patrick, Lenore & Jackie Robinson Foundation Class of 2020 Yearbook I Page 75
Chelsea Williams