Page 90 - JRF Class of 2020 Yearbook
P. 90

                          Region                                                                             Southeast-
                                                                                                             FL Region
      Congratulations to the newest class                                                    To Anjali, Dionne, and Juliana,
      of Jackie Robinson Foundation                                                          congratulations!
      Graduates! We are so proud of all
      your accomplishments thus far and                                                      You are embarking on the next phase
       are even more excited about the future                                                of the beautiful journey called life - it
                                                                                             will not always be easy, not always be
       impacts that you are destined to make                                                 difficult, rarely be linear, but always
       in our changing world.                                                                present new possibilities. Know that we
       We see in each of you the bright light                                                wish the best for you and that we are

        of hope that is needed in times of                                                   always available to you.
        uncertainty and know that as always                                                  Love,
        you will rise to the occasion of                                                     Sobani, Carolyn, Allison, Michael, Jessma,
        pushing this great legacy forward that                                               Sandra, Karla, Michael and Rhonda
        is The Jackie Robinson Foundation.
         Through storms come welcomed
         sunshine and although we don’t yet
         know the full magnitude of this
         particular storm, we KNOW that you
          are determined and have unmatched
 please keep shining.

          We love you and believe in you (since
          the day we met you). Congratulations

           Angelia, Keith, Melvin, Jonathan, Jean,
           Jessica, Dwayne, Brintza, Brandon,
           Marcus, Allysha, Cassandra, & Candace

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