Page 6 - Module 5 - Downloadable Workbook
P. 6
Balancing Promotion & Reward
Two simple ways to reframe and rebalance your performance evaluations.
Confidence vs Competence
Take a step back and ensure you are separating confidence and competence in your evaluations. This is not to say confidence is bad, just that the two need to be considered separately. Remember in the programme where men rated their performance 33% higher than equally performing women? Confidence can often be misread as competence if we're not careful.
Team vs Stars
Managers will always need to identify high potentials. However, rebalancing the focus and rewards away from just stars and towards teams encourages gender balance as it relies less on individualistic self-promotion.
Reflection Exercise
Take some time to review your team’s career growth criteria through a gender lens. Reassess your team members on this basis. Is there any change in who you see has career growth potential? What might you do differently to develop these team members?
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