Page 5 - Module 3 - Downloadable Workbook
P. 5
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Managing Different Career Cycles
Support flexible careers
Recognise multiple career patterns for all genders and coach your team through the different career cycles.
Educate your team members on ladder and lattice career cycles – these are often a surprise when they are pointed out!
Help with planning and pacing. They can have it all, but probably not all at the same time. Help them decide what comes first.
Decompartmentalise life
Recognise that all the humans in your team have both personal and professional lives.
Role model decompartmentalisation by sharing your own life where appropriate.
Being open yourself about your life will help others to feel comfortable in opening up to you about their needs.
Gender neutralise flexibility
Move from talking about ‘work / life’ balance for women to flexibility for everyone.
Support all genders to be flexible and productive by assuming flexibility as the default. Remember people may need flexibility in time and how they work as well as where they work. Build trust and let people use flexibility with responsibility.
Know your company’s policies
Know your company’s policies on flexibility and family leave, for all genders.
Make policies transparent to your team so that they can understand and make use of the initiatives on offer.
Be considerate in your communication
Use your new found gender bilingual skills to become truly gender neutral – in everything you say and do.
Focus on vocabulary like ‘balance’, or ‘talent’ rather than ‘’men’ or ‘women’.
Set an example of gender bilingual behaviour towards your team and draw a line at inappropriate communication.
© 20-first 2021