Page 3 - Module 4 - Downloadable Workbook
P. 3
List of Gendered Words
These are not exhaustive lists but it will give you a good starting point when seeking to be gender bilingual in your writing. As a reminder, it’s not that you should always avoid this language, more that you should use it intentionally and be aware of its impact and effect. Balancing masculine with feminine where needed. The lists below contain adjectives but derivatives of these words also count, e.g. Active and Action.
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Masculine Coded Words
Active; Adventurous; Aggressive; Ambitious; Analytical; Assertive; Athletic; Autonomous; Boastful; Challenging; Competitive; Confident; Courageous; Decisive; Determined; Dominant; Forceful; Greedy; Headstrong; Hierarchical; Hostile; Impulsive; Independent; Individual; Intellectual; Leading; Logical; Objective; Opinionated; Outspoken; Persistent; Principled; Reckless; Stubborn; Superior; Self- confident; Self-sufficient; Self-reliant
Feminine Coded Words
Affectionate; Childish; Cheerful; Committed; Communal; Compassionate; Connected; Considerate; Cooperative; Dependable; Emotional; Empathetic; Flatterable; Gentle; Honest; Interpersonal; Interdependent; Kind; Loyal; Modest; Nagging; Nurturing; Pleasant; Polite; Quiet; Responsible; Responsive; Sensitive; Submissive; Supportive; Sympathetic; Tender; Together; Trusting; Understanding; Warm; Whiney; Yielding