Page 121 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 121


               “Kita bersyukur bahwa pemerintah pusat mau intensifkan   "We are grateful that the central government wants to re-
               kembali program ini, tetapi tetap pasti kita akan sesuaikan   intensify this program, but we will adjust it to the existing
               dengan tata ruang yang ada,” tegas bupati.           spatial layout," according to the regent.

               Bupati Merauke dua periode tersebut juga optimis proyek   The two-period Merauke Regent is also optimistic about the
               ini akan berjalan dengan sukses. Mengingat kondisi   project's success. The natural conditions of Merauke Regency
               alam Kabupaten Merauke sangat mendukung untuk        are highly conducive to the growth of sugar cane, a local
               pengembangan tanaman tebu dan tebu sendiri diketahui   plant.
               merupakan tanaman lokal Kabupaten Merauke.

               “Tebu sebenarnya potensial karena kita dari hasil penelitian   "Sugarcane has potential because, from the research results,
               sebenarnya kita adalah salah satu wilayah yang betul-betul   we are one of the regions that are responsive to this plant,
               responsif terhadap tanaman ini dan tanaman tebu ini juga   and this sugarcane plant is also a local Merauke plant," he
               merupakan tanaman lokal Merauke,” jelasnya.          pointed out.

               Pada kunjungan tersebut, Menteri Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E dan   Minister Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E., was present during the visit.
               Bupati Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. juga menggelar dialog   And Regent Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. Additionally, a
               dengan masyarakat adat setempat. Dalam dialog tersebut, baik   conversation was conducted with the indigenous community
               , Menteri Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E maupun Bupati Drs. Romanus   in the area. During the conversation, Minister Bahlil
               Mbaraka, M.T. mendengarkan dan menjawab secara langsung   Lahadalia and S.E. and Regent Drs. Romanus Mbaraka,
               aspirasi serta harapan para perwakilan masyarakat adat.  M.T. listened to and directly addressed the aspirations
                                                                    and expectations of the representatives of the indigenous

                  Bupati Merauke Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. dan Wakil Bupati Merauke H. Riduwan, S.Sos., M.Pd. mendampingi
                  Menteri Investasi/Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E. saat meninjau secara
                  langsung lokasi perkebunan dan hilirisasi tebu di Kampung Sermayam,Distrik Tanah Miring, Jumat
                  (17/05/2024). (Rengga Satria/JNS).

                  Merauke Regent Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. and H. Riduwan, S.Sos., M.Pd., Deputy Regent of Merauke.
                  Accompanying the Minister of Investment / Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, S.E. On Friday,
                  May 17, 2024, during a firsthand examination of the location of sugar cane plantations downstream in Sermayam
                  Village, Tanah Miring District. (JNS/Rengga Satria).
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