Page 89 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 89
Pada tahun 2024 ini, pemerintah pusat juga berencana The central government also plans to print 500 ha of rice
mencetak sawah seluas 500 ha di Kabupaten Merauke. fields in Merauke Regency in 2024. Minister of Agriculture
Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Dr. Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, (Mentan) Dr. Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, M.P., who made a
M.P. yang melakukan kunjungan langsung ke Kabupaten direct visit to Merauke Regency, said this rice field printing
Merauke mengatakan, program cetak sawah ini menyusul program followed the success of a similar program that had
keberhasilan program serupa yang sebelumnya telah previously been carried out.
Dulu kami rintis di sini sawah 10 ribu hektare dan sekarang We pioneered 10,000 hectares of rice fields here, and now
produksinya sudah 6 ton per hektare, jadi sudah berhasil. the production is 6 tons per hectare, so it has been successful.
Dulu rencana kita kembangkan 1 juta hektare dan sekarang Previously, we planned to develop 1 million hectares, and
kita merintis 500 ribu hektare. Ini kita proyeksikan now we are pioneering 500,000 hectares. We project this
menjadi lumbung pangan masa depan," ujar Mentan, Selasa, to be the food barn of the future," said Mentan on Tuesday
(16/04/2024). (16/04/2024).
Mentan melanjutkan, optimalisasi potensi lahan Mentan continued, optimizing the extraordinary land
Kabupaten Merauke yang luar biasa urgen dilakukan potential of Merauke Regency, which is urgent to improve
demi meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional di tengah national food security amid the threat of a world food crisis.
ancaman krisis pangan dunia.
"Potensinya luar biasa. Di sini, airnya melimpah. Nah ini "The potential is extraordinary. Here, the water is abundant.
kita jadikan kekuatan kita untuk panen. Saat ada El Nino, Now, we make this our strength to harvest. When there is
kemudian krisis pangan dunia, ini sangat strategis, sehingga El Nino, then the world food crisis is very strategic, so God
insyaallah ke depan kita tingkatkan indeksnya," katanya. willing, we will increase the index in the future," he said.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Bupati Merauke Drs. On the same occasion, the Regent of Merauke Drs. Romanus
Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya Mbaraka, M.T. expressed his gratitude for the Minister of
atas kunjungan dan arahan Mentan terkait pengembangan Agriculture's visit and direction regarding the agricultural
sektor pertanian di Kabupaten Merauke. Pihaknya pun sector's development in Merauke Regency. He is also
berkomitmen untuk mendukung penuh program pemerintah committed to fully supporting central government programs
pusat di sektor pertanian, sebagai langkah strategis untuk in the agricultural sector as a strategic step to overcome
mengatasi berbagai permasalahan pangan di masa depan. various food problems in the future.
"Hari ini Mentan dan besok Wamenhan (wakil menteri "Today, the Minister of Agriculture and tomorrow, the Deputy
pertahanan) akan tiba di Merauke dalam rangka Minister of Defense, will arrive in Merauke to succeed the
menyukseskan program Food Estate di Merauke. Jadi sekali Food Estate program in Merauke. So once again, thank
lagi, terima kasih kepada Bapak Menteri Pertanian atas you to the Minister of Agriculture for the support and
dukungan dan arahan terhadap jalannya pembangunan direction towards the course of agricultural development
pertanian di wilayah Merauke. Ke depan, kami siap in the Merauke region. In the future, we are ready to make
menjadikan pertanian sebagai solusi masa depan yang agriculture a sustainable future solution," said the regent.
berkelanjutan," ungkap bupati.
Diketahui, sebagai bentuk keseriusan untuk merealisasikan It is known as a form of seriousness to realize the rice
program cetak sawah tersebut dan memperkokoh predikat field printing program and strengthen the title of Merauke
Kabupaten Merauke sebagai lumbung pangan, Mentan Regency as a food barn, the Minister of Agriculture returned
kembali melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Kabupaten Merauke to Merauke Regency at the end of May 2024, precisely to
pada akhir Mei 2024, tepatnya ke Kampung Ngguti Bob, Ngguti Bob Village, Tanah Miring District, During his visit, he